The Bible or Psychotherapy?

The purpose of this website is to promote biblical truth and challenge the false teaching of the Christian psychotherapeutic industry that is overwhelming the Church in the USA, the UK and many other countries around the world. We believe that God’s word is sufficient for all that pertains to life and godliness.

We also believe that many Christians are confused over the issue of depression. The Christian counselling industry has imported the thinking and beliefs of the world into the Church. Our aim is to warn of the dangers of a false teaching around the issue of depression that is misleading many in the Church. We have included a number of articles from leading Christian newspapers and magazines to illustrate the false thinking that is prevalent in Christian circles.
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It is amazing indeed how rapidly the Christian counselling movement has spread through churches in the USA and the UK, teaching that hurts and depressions once considered part of normal life are now illnesses to be treated by counselling and psychotherapy. Implying that the Bible is not sufficient for the woes of God’s people, but we need anti-Christian psychology to make good the deficit.

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